Regional statistics Kampar Kiri Hulu 2013 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Kampar Regency

Selamat Datang Sahabat Data!! Bagi Pengguna data BPS Kabupaten Kampar (Januari 2025 s.d sekarang), diharapkan partisipasinya untuk mengisi Survei Kebutuhan Data 2025 pada link berikut Jawaban anda membantu kami untuk meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan kami, Terima Kasih. 

Regional statistics Kampar Kiri Hulu 2013

Catalog Number : 1101002.6203011
Publication Number : 1406.066.2012.06
Publishing Frequency : Annualy
Release Date : June 5, 2014
Language : Indonesian
File Size :  MB


Publication of ""Statistical Area Kampar Kiri Hulu 2013"" published by the Central Bureau of Statistics Kampar, an effort of the District Coordinator of Statistics (KSK) in an effort to meet the needs of information Statistics in line with the rate of motion of adult development this. This publication contains a variety of data and information about the selected Kampar Kiri Hulu simply analyzed the data to help users understand the progress of development and the potential that exists in Kampar Kiri Hulu. The material presented in the Statistical Area Kampar Kiri Hulu 2013 contains various information / indicator Selected associated with development in various sectors in the district of Kampar Kiri Hulu and expected to be a reference material / studies in the planning and evaluation of development activities. We realize that this publication is still not perfect and still contains many weaknesses melekat.Untuk the advice and criticism from various parties that are building so we expect to improve and perfect the preparation-preparation of the next year. With the publication of this publication, we say thank you for all the support and cooperation given by all parties, in particular to the Head Kampar Kiri Hulu, along with the staff, the village chief and his entire staff, Head of Bureau along with Staff and Private Institutions that are in the District of Kampar Upper left, in the hope this cooperation can be further enhanced in the future.
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